
The value of DiARC to artists: andrew martyn sugars (UK)

andrew martyn sugars is an artist and facilitator with interests in holistic processes such as forest school. practice is transdisciplinary. concerns orbit around space, time and play – what it is to be a curious human being.

His project has demonstrated how DIARC can be suitable for a work experience project for an Further Education college. Recommendations from participating in the course include:

1. For artists

  • Have an open mind. Think of the learners holistically.
  • Listen to what is happening and be adaptive within the boundaries you set forthe group. Be in it for the whole duration.
  • Be passionate, share relevant aspects of your practice with the group. Believein human centred design. Be willing to fail. Be open about not knowing aboutstuff the learners know about.
  • Embrace the chaos – the more chaotic it feels – the better the session will befor those taking part.
  •  Let go of being in control of absolutely everything. Believe in outcome as partof the process.
  • Create a space in which the learners feel safe to take risks. Let the learnerstake the lead. Make the young people feel heard, respected and that they belong in the group.

2. For young people.

  • Create space in your thinking – this model is about exploring potential andpossibility because in so doing you will experience thoughts and do things thatare going to be fresh to you.
  • Have a ‘problem’ to work with and look at it fantastically. Anything is possiblebecause this is a programme about letting your thoughts and imaginations explore the boundaries of what you set for yourselves. Dare to go beyond those.
  • Use the skills you already have to explore these fantastical ideas. Develop stories to go with the images you make – tell those stories, repeatedly.
  • Build in ideas from the other stories, into your own.

By drnicko

Awarded an MBE for services to arts-based businesses, I am passionate about generating inspiring, socially engaging, creative practice within educational contexts both nationally and internationally.

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